Give your seafarers the ability to manage unique situations

In Green-Jakobsen we believe that the people in a company is a strong resource, the potential to improve the performance of the company in a safe and proactive manner. In our focus on developing the human element we must move away from the thinking that people are the source of error, and instead become better at making them the potential for development and improvement. In many accident reports ‘lack of situational awareness’ is given as one of the main causes. How can we change that?

Start and hold on to change with Safety Delta

Safety Delta is a way to start the change and hold on to a continuous focus on improving safety performance, awareness and behaviour.  Besides, it makes it possible for you to meet many of the requirements in the coming TMSA 3 in one solution.

The fact that you can only truly assess, understand and manage a situation when you actively participate is important for the way that we support our seafarers. Proactive behaviour involves acting in advance of a future situation, rather than just reacting. It means taking control and making things happen rather than just adjusting to a situation or waiting for something to happen – or merely following procedures.

Try it!

Don’t forget that we can give you an executive, no-obligation presentation of Safety Delta OR you can try Safety Delta on board one of your vessels – contact Erik Green ( for making arrangements.

In the meantime you can get an overall introduction to Safety Delta in the video below. Follow seafarer John’s “voyage”:

How it works: The 3-phased cycle - Diagnosis, Dialogue and Development

This makes a difference not only for safety – it will make a difference in the overall performance – I believe it will. So, in six months’ time it will relieve my job as a vessel manager because we have empowered the crew and they can take responsibility themselves.
Rasmus Snejbjerg - Vessel Manager at TORM

Diagnosis - an auto-generated safety condition report

The crew provides anonymous input to the Crew Safety Diagnosis report via a survey.

The Crew Safety Diagnosis report:

Is auto-generated and provides the crew with an instant mirror of the safety performance as it is perceived by the crew
Offers a written feedback allowing the crew to work proactively on improvements
Analyses up to 8 safety performance areas and evaluates 5 critical safety behaviours. 1 to 5 safety areas are selected for each cycle, depending on the needs and wishes of the client

Dialogue - put safety on the agenda and create an open atmosphere

The only persons who truly experience the safety performance on board are the crew members involved in the daily tasks. They are also the persons to make corrections or changes, if needed. The best dialogue will happen in an open atmosphere.

The dialogue:

Helps crew to discuss what to stop doing, start doing or what to do more of
Helps ensure a competent dialogue resulting in the ability to decide upon potential corrective actions
Helps officers develop an open and assertive safety culture among all crew members

Development - empower seafarers to build a stronger safety culture, step by step

The Crew Safety Diagnosis report and the structured dialogue that takes place afterwards help identify focus areas that need improvement or development.

Safety Delta provides a platform called Safety Delta Learning Library. It provides a wide choice of learning and development tools, best practice methods and ideas to:

Support the onboard crew to manage the identified learning and improvement needs
Make ready-to-use training modules available, including instructor guidelines and ideas for practical exercises
Engage in safety games challenging crew's knowledge and understanding
Expand safety competencies of the seafarers to become stronger safety culture carriers

See below how Safety Delta makes a difference for our customers

If you want to know more...

Hear more about what our customers say about Safety Delta in this brief video

If you wish to read more, you can download more information about Safety Delta:

Safety Delta_Next_generation_safety_performance



Among us bulletins

Sign up for one of our free Safety Delta introduction webinars

Contact us – we are at your service with more information and bespoke solutions regarding Safety Delta.

In the right-hand bar you can find related web-pages and articles about Safety Delta.


It’s good because I can see that we need to do the dialogue, it is boosting the morale of crew and Junior officers. And it builds up the confidence of the crew.
- Captain at Ultraship
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