Develop a proactive safety culture

At Green-Jakobsen we believe that people are the strongest resource, and the potential to improving the performance of the company in a safe and proactive manner. Safety Delta is a proactive performance tool to help crew correct poor safety behaviours even before anything goes wrong. It is not a benchmarking exercise where ship crews are competing against each other, but a tool to stimulate safety performance and focus on safety.

Supporting your efforts to meet industry standards

Safety Delta is a way to start the change of the safety mindset and hold on to a continuous focus on improving safety performance, awareness and behaviour. Safety Delta provides support to credible quality standards in the tanker and dry bulk sectors, i.e. TMSA, Human Factors Element, SIRE 2.0 and Dry BMS respectively.



Safety Delta provides input about performance trends and supports the continual improvement steps of Plan-Do-Check-Act, as described by Dry BMS organisational self-assessment.

Sire 2.0

Safety Delta supports the development and enhancement of safety behaviours that are to be observed under SIRE 2.0.

How it works: 3 stages

Safety Delta creates a clear link between human factors and safety performance starting from reflection to open dialogue and team development, including enhancing the understanding of how human factors are managed.

This is performed by the crew through 3 stages: Diagnosis, Dialogue, and Development.

Diagnosis - crew answer a survey

    • Crew anonymously answer a survey as input to the Crew Safety Diagnosis report
    • Crew get an instant mirror of the safety performance on board
    • Crew get a written feedback to help focus on improvements
    • Company selects 1-5 safety areas for each cycle (among 11 safety performance areas and 5 critical safety behaviours) depending on the needs and wishes of the company.

Dialogue - crew discuss the report

  • Helps the crew to discuss what to stop doing, start doing or what to do more of
  • Ensures a competent dialogue to help decide on potential corrective actions where everyone is involved
  • Helps officers develop an open and assertive safety culture among all crew members

Development - application of the learning

  • Provides learning opportunities and best practice methods about the focus areas identified during the Diagnosis and Dialogue
  • Supports the crew in managing learning and improvement needs
  • Provides ready-to-use training modules including instructor guidance, practical exercises, games that can be applied on board
  • Expands the safety competencies of the seafarers to become stronger safety culture carriers

Get started
with Safety Delta

Learn more about how Safety Delta can benefit your organisation and how to get started