Updates to the Safety Delta Learning Library

Part of proactive safety management is recognising the dynamic development needs of the crew and the maritime industry. To address this, the Safety Delta team strives to regularly update the Safety Delta Learning Library (SDLL) with new learning modules.

In this issue of Among Us, we introduce the latest updates to the SDLL:

Leadership styles – NEW module
Stress management – NEW module
New Safety I’s animations + New Safety I’s activities

Leadership styles

Develop flexible leadership skills through the Leadership styles subject.

Effective leaders are flexible: able to adapt not only to the task scenario but also to the needs of their followers. The subject Leadership styles introduces a useful tool for flexible leadership to help officers and those in leadership positions develop their adaptation and communication skills. The module contains a brief, an assessment, two practical exercises, and an activity.

Stress management

The Stress management module includes posters and learning activities.

Stress is an inevitable part of a seafarer’s job, and with the global pandemic in the picture, seafarers are exposed to more stress than ever. Through the Stress management module, the crew can learn about what stress is, what causes stress, and what the crew, their leaders, their colleagues, and the vessel management can do to proactively manage stress.

The Stress management module contains a brief, a campaign activity, two posters, and two group discussion guides. An animation showing the basic principles of stress management is also available.


Updates to Safety Behaviours (Safety I’s) modules

We have received positive feedback on the scenario-based Safety Behaviours (Safety I’s) animations, so we have developed two more. These new animations show how the five (5) safety behaviours, also called the Safety I’s, can be applied in and help relive real-life scenarios. Two group discussion activities have also been added to aid with the training on the safety behaviours. With the addition of these materials to the modules, Safety Delta users have more opportunities to learn about and develop their safety behaviours.

The scenario-based SI’s animations help learners develop safety behaviours.

The animations contain reflective questions.

Now available on the SDLL

The learning materials for these subjects are already available on Seagull STA and the online SDLL. For appliance box users, your Safety Delta liaison person shall coordinate with you for your copy of the updated SD cards. New modules will also be added to the SDLL very soon.

Among Us
Among Us is a monthly digital newsletter, primarily for Safety Delta members, but also for those who want to get a ‘sneak peek’ at the experiences gained by those of us who are already ‘insiders’. It also presents the developments of Safety Delta.
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