What is #SafetyDeltaMoments?

#SafetyDeltaMoments is a social media initiative aimed at building an online community for Safety Delta users. Through #SafetyDeltaMoments, Safety Delta users submit photos of themselves while participating in Safety Delta activities. These photos will be posted on the social media pages of Green-Jakobsen.

By clicking on the hashtag #SafetyDeltaMoments, you and other social media users can see the shared photos as well as posts from other Safety Delta users and useful contents prepared by the Safety Delta Team. Through these posts, you can share how you practice safety yourself and how you contribute to building a proactive safety culture on your vessel. At the same time, you can also access posts from other Safety Delta users and see how seafarers from other vessels in other parts of the world develop their safety culture.

How do I join?

To join, just take a photo of yourself or your crew while having a Safety Delta Moment, such as the familiarisation webinars, the crew dialogues, and the learning activities. Then submit your photos by emailing them to safety.delta@green-jakobsen.com.ph. We will select photos that will not show situations that could compromise safety and thus make sure that our customers will continue to support this initiative. We will post selected entries on our social media pages with the hashtag #SafetyDeltaMoments. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn.

The Safety Delta Vision

Having a proactive safety mindset and actually practising proactive safety behaviours should be regarded as the standard. Through #SafetyDeltaMoments, we hope to send a strong message to the whole shipping industry that it takes a community to build a proactive safety culture. This initiative can also spark more conversations about proactive safety not only in the board room but especially on board and among the crew.

We hope #SafetyDeltaMoments would inspire our seafarers to not just think and act “safe” at work but also live safe by incorporating proactive safety into their lifestyle.

Among Us
Among Us is a monthly digital newsletter, primarily for Safety Delta members, but also for those who want to get a ‘sneak peek’ at the experiences gained by those of us who are already ‘insiders’. It also presents the developments of Safety Delta.
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