Get the true picture of your safety maturity

A good picture of the present safety culture in your company cannot be found by classical KPI’s such as LTIF, as injury-free operations do not necessarily mean that everybody has done a safe job. The numbers do not tell what is really going on in daily practice. A more thorough Safety Maturity Assessment is needed to provide you with a clear impression of the present safety culture.

Involvement and qualitative data

Our SMAs are carried out with a holistic approach — we use our own assessment model, involve as many sources as possible, and utilise multiple assessment methods. This is to ensure that we gather not only quantitative, but also qualitative data, thereby enabling us to provide our customers with a clearer and more realistic picture of their present safety culture and to recommend viable solutions to them.

We involve everyone in the organisation – we look into the different departments; we look at the company as a whole: what they do, how often they do what, how they decide and how they communicate.

Awareness and empowerment begin as soon as we start interviewing them. They might not have a clue as to how they contribute to safety at first, but by just asking them questions, they get to reflect on how they make - and can make - a difference about safety.
Stine Skelbo - Senior Consultant at Green-Jakobsen A/S

Focus on safe environment in an efficient business

We know that companies do not only focus on having a complete safe environment. They also need to drive an efficient business. So, when we go in and analyse the safety culture, our focus is to see how the organisation operates efficiently and safely at the same time—and that’s what Safety 2.0 is about.

The way they communicate tells us much about where their focus is.

We do not look at how they do their job and how they manage to do it safely. We pay attention to how they perform their job efficiently and safely at the same time.
Thomas Schmidt - Partner, Senior Consultant at Green-Jakobsen A/S

We frame our customers' thinking beyond compliance

We always aim at influencing the whole organisation to change by making them think of safety critically and proactively. We do so by challenging them to reflect on questions such as:

What kind of work behaviour do we find the most efficient and safe?
What kind of work behaviours are not safe? - And why do we choose an unsafe behaviour over a safe one?
What do you do? And when do you do what?

Since our group consists of consultants with different backgrounds such as on maritime training, organisational development, ethnology, communications, leadership and culture, safety, etc., we can ensure that we assess the safety culture as objectively as possible and that we give relevant and expert insights.

We use Green-Jakobsen to go a step deeper, to get under our skin
Jesper S. Jensen - Vice President, Technical at TORM

What you get:

A shared understanding of how mature their present safety culture is and what strong as well as weak areas are
Awareness of everyone's role in building and developing a culture of safety
Empowerment to contribute to the development and improvement of the organisational safety capacity and culture
An opportunity to establish and mobilise an internal coalition for change
A list of ideas and action items that your programme team can work on
The opportunity to explore wide-range of industry-proven and tested tools and solutions for safety culture development and improvement

But what about the pandemic - how is this service done?

We continue to conduct SMAs amidst these difficult times. The way we do our SMAs is applicable in whichever set-up our customers prefer—be it face-to-face or virtual meetings and discussions, or a combination. Interviews and surveys are conducted online. Discussions, presentations and meetings with clients are also done virtually as long as the pandemic is ongoing.

Many of our SMA customers seek our help in improving their safety culture after the assessment. Then we sit down together and discuss possible solutions or ways forward. For instance, we design a leadership course based on the strengths and weaknesses in the safety culture as presented in the SMA result. We agree on modules to be included in the course. We make sure that such modules will help continuously better the strengths and will improve the weaknesses
Thomas Schmidt - Partner, Senior Consultant at Green-Jakobsen A/S
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