Human factors

Human factors are the environmental, organisational, technology, task design and human characteristics, which influence behaviour at work in a way which can affect health and safety.

Human factors approach

Human factors approach integrates human factors in key proactive safety process such as risk management and incident investigation.

Even before human factors became the trending topic in the maritime industry, the Safety Delta concept has already recognised the value of a human factors approach in building a proactive and resilient safety culture on board. In both process and scope, Safety Delta is aligned with human factor management.




The Safety Delta process involves the Diagnosis, Dialogue, and Development stages which are all key to identifying issues of the human factors, maintaining two-way communication between ship and shore, and promoting crew skills and behaviour development through collaborative training.

Safety Delta is also designed to help organisations monitor, manage, and improve the human factors on board proactively and continuously. Once the three-stage cycle is completed, the vessel undergoes another cycle to help them determine any new human factor challenges. The Safety Delta process ensures that all crew members — from the senior officers to junior officers and to ratings or cadets — as well as the office personnel take part in shaping the on-board culture.


The current list of Safety Delta safety areas highlights different soft skills that address the interactions between crew members as well as with their environment, the systems and processes, and the machines. Four new safety areas have recently been added to the roster. All safety areas target the different human factors that the on-board crew can work on.

Below are the Safety Delta safety areas:

Safety leadership
Health and well-being
Risk management
On-board learning and development
Safety reporting
Safety behaviours
Leading the on-board culture
Critical equipment (NEW!)
Tasks and procedures (NEW!)
Emerging situations (NEW!)
Proactive and reactive learning (NEW!)

This article is the first of a series of Among Us issues on human factors. The next articles will discuss the value of a human factors approach and how Safety Delta can help manage human factors.


Five years ago today, TORM and Green-Jakobsen forged a partnership anchored on a shared belief in the value of crew empowerment and proactive safety. As TORM marks its fifth year as a Safety Delta user, we take this opportunity to thank our friends at TORM for their continued trust in the Safety Delta tool and for inspiring us with their unceasing dedication to building and sustaining a proactive safety culture in their vessels.

Happy Safety Delta-versary, TORM!







Among Us
Among Us is a monthly digital newsletter, primarily for Safety Delta members, but also for those who want to get a ‘sneak peek’ at the experiences gained by those of us who are already ‘insiders’. It also presents the developments of Safety Delta.
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