The Safety Delta Annual Meeting (SDAM) is all about sharing views and experiences and coming up with ways to further develop Safety Delta according to your needs.

Here are the highlights of this year’s SDAM:

1. Transforming Safety Delta to Performance Delta
2. Performance insights from Eskild Ebbesen
3. Updates in the SIRE 2.0 and DryBMS network
4. Enhancing our services and making the Safety Delta process easier



Let’s discuss each key point in more detail.

1. Transforming Safety Delta to Performance Delta

We’ve been constantly developing Safety Delta over the years, and our data shows an interesting insight – Safety Delta is much more than a safety tool. Hence, we’ve started the process of making it even more performance-oriented, transforming it into Performance Delta.

Here’s a quick look at the strengths and weaknesses of the current Safety Delta process:

We are leveraging these strengths and working on the areas for improvement.

What’s important is that we help the crew direct attention. For example, if leaders start focusing on work debriefs, we see improvement in the perception of safety reports and their value.

To give you more actionable insights into a vessel’s performance, here’s what we’re working on:

From reports to dashboards:

We’re shifting from the Crew Safety Diagnosis (CSD) PDF reports to a dashboard showing the actual performance status of a vessel in areas such as psychological safety, collective intelligence, risk management, and leadership engagement.

A new human performance platform:

The dashboard we’re talking about is part of the platform we’re developing, which will give you a more holistic overview of crew performance and the actions needed. This will help you monitor, analyse, and act upon all aspects of human performance.

2. Performance insights from Eskild Ebbesen

 Five-time Olympic champion rower Eskild Ebbesen shared valuable performance insights from his sports career, many of which can be applied on board vessels. Watch his presentation here.

3. Updates in the SIRE 2.0 and DryBMS network

Since our participants at this meeting were exclusively tanker companies, we only touched upon the developments within the SIRE 2.0 network.

Uni-Tankers had some experiences to share about the inspections that have taken place. Here are some key points:

Experience highlights:

Inspectors are still learning and need more experience
Subjective inspections
Repetitive questions
Feedback tends to be only on minor issues
Technical issues with IT equipment
Need clearer definition of 'observation'

Overall, the process is not well-structured to ensure reliable observations. Also, there’s still a lot of confusion about where the focus should be – less on procedures and more on the human element.

Client actions:

Use Safety I’s and Safety Delta as tools for human factors
Train the ratings
Train the crew in understanding the questions
Clarify what ‘as expected’ means in the inspectors’ feedback
See the inspections as training by itself
Improve psychological safety and look at how they train and recruit

What we will do:

Make a cross-reference list between SIRE 2.0 (and Rio Tinto/RightShip) and Safety Delta and discuss it at a workgroup meeting
Start with the performance-influencing factors (PIFs) and continue with a deeper cross-reference between the questions and Safety Delta
Meet in August (or at quarterly meetings) for further directions and to address human factors observations
Make it a focus area to get more positive remarks in the inspections

4. Enhancing our services and making the Safety Delta process easier

 We grouped the participants into teams, where they engaged in in-depth sharing of their experiences, challenges, and recommendations on how we can provide you better services.

Based on their feedback, here’s what we’ll work on:

Quarterly online meetings starting in October 2024, where Safety Delta companies can share knowledge and experiences, and get relevant updates (e.g., development of the new dashboard, SIRE 2.0, and Rio Tinto/RightShip)
Office version of Safety Delta (we’ll develop a questionnaire for the office on key performance aspects) Re-training sessions for new office personnel involved in ship-shore dialogues
Psychological Safety graph in the annual report and dashboard
Safety Delta Learning Library (SDLL) updates: We’ll emphasise "What's in it for me?"; ensure traceability of materials viewed; and include topics related to SIRE 2.0 and Rio Tinto/RightShip

Happy Safety Delta anniversary!

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Among Us
Among Us is a monthly digital newsletter, primarily for Safety Delta members, but also for those who want to get a ‘sneak peek’ at the experiences gained by those of us who are already ‘insiders’. It also presents the developments of Safety Delta.
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