This is the third module out of twelve selected from the Safety Delta Learning Library. It will be available all of November and December.

Hazard identification may have been the subject of several safety trainings and campaigns for several maritime companies for many years. It is not surprising that many seafarers have an impression that this subject is too trivial, quick to understand, or does not even require much training time. Moreover, some people have a compliance-driven mindset where they think they only need to do this because it is part of the requirements. Filling out the relevant Risk Assessment forms even without serious considerations, and having it signed and filed will make them look good especially to the eyes of safety managers, auditors and inspectors.

Use the hazard identification tool

To make this safety critical activity more meaningful and motivating the use of visual tools can make this rather simple but oftentimes tricky task of identifying hazards spot on, inclusive and comprehensive. It is part of PREPARATION in the 3-phased Risk Management process.

This module will show you how to use an important tool – the Hazard Identification wheel.


Identifying hazards using the Hazard Wheel

To start working with the Hazard Wheel, read the brief, view the animation, carry out the activities, and be able to:

Structure the hazard identification process so you can reduce risks
Identify all situational hazards
Identify all energy hazards
Increase the awareness of risks

Learn how to apply the Hazard Wheel via these learning materials:

Read the Hazard_Identification_Brief  – It introduces you to Hazard Identification using of the Hazard Wheel and gives you examples of hazards related to specific jobs or operations.

View the animation below. This gives you a visible introduction and shows what actions to take.

After reading the brief and watching the animation, you are now ready to try your knowledge about Hazard Identification and see how it can be done in practice in your daily work life.

Discuss and carry out the activities below – these can help you practise your learnings. How-to guidance is included in each document.

HZI_Practical_exercise: Learn how to perform thorough hazard identification and reflect on the differene between hazards and risksk. Conduct this activity when preparing for the execution of a job. Use the Poster for this exercise.

HZI_Flash_card_activity: This activity is a flash card game, which exercises the target learners’ understanding of hazard identification. Print the flash cards before this activity. Conduct the activity after reading the brief and during a safety training.

SD-Poster-Identify the Hazards-EN-v2: Helps you keeping your mind focused on the types of hazards to be identified in the preparation phase of the Risk Management Process.

Have fun!

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Ida Krogh
Ida Krogh
Consultant, Safety Delta Product Manager

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