“Our Safety Management System (SMS) is linked to the Ultrasafe Safety Culture program by means of the link between process and the Green-Jakobsen Safety I’s.

As an example, in the SMS we explain how Insight and Innovation apply to maintenance procedures in the engine room.

We also explain to our people in a 64-page Ultrasafe Safety Standard booklet how the mindset works in practice on board and is now considered the “bible”.

The second pillar next to the Safety I’s is the Ultraship Accountability ladder, which focuses on individual roles and responsibilities. As an example of the new mentality and approach needed towards toolbox talks a Captain told us he realized that one hour of preparation was required for an exceptional five-minute task to make sure it was done properly.”

Another example lies in how we instill a continuous improvement mindset when it comes to defining actual jobs. As an example, we may ask people to assess for themselves and formalise: what is my leadership role as 3rd Engineer?
Søren Vest - General Manager, Head of Marine QA at Ultraship
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