The ULTRANAV group covers different shipping companies operating Tank, Bulk and container cargo. Besides this the ULTRANAV group handles tug and pilot boats.

The ULTRANAV group found that the safety performance varied across companies without knowing the reason for this difference. GJ were engaged to conduct three safety maturity assessments, one for each company in the conglomerate in order to identify strengths and weaknesses in the company safety culture and practice.


The safety maturity assessment:

was carried out across three countries
analysed the culture and causes of deviations in the safety practice
each company was compared with each other and against industry average
analysed 10 key areas with influence on safety and the company culture
Over 800 seafarers and shore based staff, representing all departments and all ranks, participated in the anonymous online survey and/or were interviewed.
A number of vessels were visited.
A Safety Maturity Assessment report was elaborated for each company.

A program for developing the safety culture was drafted. This program aims at:

improving the organisational safety capacity by revising already implemented processes,
linking efforts and actions across functions and departments towards an aligned goal,
implement tools and training to manage the everyday work behaviour and through this the actual culture

Benefit & Results

The safety maturity assessment provided:

A view of the level of application of safety functions and processes
A description of the interaction in the organisation related to the safety culture
A common focus on the root causes for deviations in safety practice and increase the awareness on the influence on culture and behaviour in the actual safety practice
A higher level of awareness of safety as an integral part of the job
A basis for making a strategy and plan for development of organisational safety capacity and culture
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