This is a module selected from the Safety Delta Learning Library about work debrief.

It is the key action and tool in the finalisation phase (3-phased work process) to conduct a work debrief. Read the brief and try the activities in this module.

Capture improvement ideas to make the jobs safer and more efficient

Work processes on board can consist of many complicated steps and activities. Work debriefs enable the team to gain insight into how different activities affect each other and how collaboration across activities can be improved next time to create a better job flow.

Work debrief is part of risk management

Work debrief is an essential part of the risk management process. It is done in the finalisation phase — right after completing the job, when experiences are still fresh in everyone’s mind.

Work debrief helps you turn meaningful experiences and input from the completed job into new learnings that can be used in the next toolbox talk and job execution. In this way, the new learnings are turned into actions that improve the safety performance.

This module takes you through the concept of work debrief and how it benefits you and the team, and provides some guide questions to ask when conducting it.

To start off  conducting effective work debriefs, read the brief, view the animation, carry out the activities, and be able to:

Describe their experiences, challenges, successes, and improvement ideas in doing a job
Recognise how to apply the guide questions for work debrief on a completed job
Use the guide questions for an effective work debrief after completing a job

Learn conducting work debriefs effectively via these learning materials:

Read the brief. It explains the concept of work debrief and how it benefits you and the team, and provides some guide questions to ask when conducting it.

View the animation below. This gives you a visible introduction and shows what actions to take.

After reading the brief and watching the animation, you are now ready to try your knowledge about Work debrief and see how it can be done in practice in your daily work life.

Discuss and carry out the activities below – these can help you practise your learnings. How-to guidance is included in each document.

WDB_Practical_exercise: Practise conducting a work debrief. Conduct this activity after completing of a job.

WDB_Flash_card_activity: This activity is a flash card game, which exercises the target learners’ understanding of work debrief. Print the flash cards before this activity. Conduct the activity after reading the brief and during a safety training.




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Lennart Ripke
Lennart Ripke
Director Sales

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