Reviews improve performance

20+ years of working with shipping organisations all around the globe, what we have seen is the striving for safety excellence, an embedded value for many shipping companies. But to excel in safety and achieve a strong and proactive safety culture requires us to look at our ways of thinking, reviewing, and evaluating our safety performance. Key Performance Indicators are used to show an aspect of safety performance, but when we talk to people, on board and ashore, we see another, more underrepresented picture.

The Delta Method – Designed for the Maritime Industry

Bridging the gap with performance reviews

Following a population of more than 37.000 seafarers and peer reviewing that population against LTIF data as well as internal and external audits, we dare to say that we have found a workable, practical, and hands-on review methodology for the maritime industry – we call it the Delta Method. The review questions focus on both the quality and the frequency of performance actions, behaviour, and perceptions. The review outcome then enables crew and teams to discuss and focus on relevant improvement areas – where to make changes – and take steps to do so.