With the purpose of making the familiarization process for new employees smoother and more effective TORM has initiated a new induction programme in cooperation with Green-Jakobsen. The Induction Programme is extended and innovative compared to the previous programme, specifically by including a buddy programme as a vital part of the concept.


After having launched a new set of Business Principles and a new Leadership Philosophy it was clear for the HR management in TORM that a programme going beyond the basic STCW familiarization requirements was needed when newly employed seafarers were to be introduced to the TORM organisation.


The induction concept consisted of three main phases:

Phase 1: The initial self-study phase; the employee receives an induction package containing a company video and an employee handbook. In the video the employee is introduced to the TORM Leadership Philosophy and Business Principles whereas the handbook describes more detailed requirements and expectations towards working in TORM.

Phase 2: The pre-joining phase; the employees attends a seminar where he/she is tested in the content of the self-study material and introduced to details of the company policies, values and QMS system.

Phase 3: The on board familiarisation phase; the employee is given an individual and rank-specific training plan that must be recorded and documented in the TORM competency management system. A ‘Buddy-Programme’, where an experienced seafarer is assigned to the new employee when signing on board for the first time, was added to the on board familiarisation phase. The purpose is to provide a more personal and informal on board induction in addition to the more formal shore based induction.

Benefits and results

The programme ensures that newcomers become acquainted with TORM and thereby are ‘fit for purpose’ in a quick, efficient and structured manner.

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