In the previous issue of Among Us, we revealed one of the three common mistakes that the office must avoid to help prevent manipulated CSD answers, crew not speaking up in dialogues, and wrong development focus points – all of which eventually weaken the crew’s motivation in the Safety Delta process.

We believe – as validated by your fellow Safety Delta users’ experiences – that strong office staff engagement plays a critical role in preventing the said issues.

You can read the previous Among Us article (Part 1) here.

Let’s continue with the list.

2. Not appreciating low scores


This mistake defeats the purpose of Safety Delta being an improvement tool. Low scores are not failures; they are buoys. They mark specific areas where you can navigate improvements in your safety culture. So if your crew dare to answer the survey honestly, congratulations, it not only gives you a clear safety direction but also means that you have an open and trusting atmosphere.

So what can the office do? Here are some best practices:

Communicate that the CSD survey is not for individual evaluation or appraisal.
Do not punish the vessels with low scores. Instead, appreciate low scores and look at them as an honest foundation for discussing important development initiatives.

Here’s a related inspiring story of office involvement:

Roy Håre – Head of Quality and Sustainability at Utkilen

“The different opinions of the seniors and the juniors and the ratings have surprised us. Some vessels also had surprisingly low scores – lower than our usual standard. But then you have to not use this as a KPI and go on board the vessels straight away – because that is the gut instinct that you get: ‘Okay, I have to go on board and talk to these guys.’ It is vital to use this as a management tool and an improvement tool to make sure they talk about the issues rather than be KPI-fixated.”

Read more about Utkilen’s story here.

3. Showing lack of support


“If the office is not involved, our motivation dies.” The lack of support and communication from the office sends a message that the crew’s safety concerns are not a priority. The crew may then feel disconnected and demotivated. But if the office shows commitment to Safety Delta, the crew will be actively involved too, and that will strengthen the effectiveness of the entire program.

So what can the office do? Here are some best practices:

Listen to the crew’s concerns and challenges, and act on them promptly
Recognise the crew’s efforts in Safety Delta and celebrate their achievements

Here’s a related inspiring story of office involvement:

Richard Chavez – Global Training Manager at Navigator Gas Shipmanagement (DK)

Tapped as the Safety Delta key driver at Navigator Gas, Richard showed a strong commitment to the crew. He ensured that the Safety Delta concept, purpose, and philosophy were clear to the crew. “It requires that the office staff believes in Safety Delta, especially the ones with frequent communication and visits to the vessels,” he said.

Richard also helped the company make a radical change in their dialogue set-up that encouraged the crew to speak up and allowed the company to better identify important safety challenges on board.

“We believe this new setting will project a more inclusive atmosphere to the crew and could bring newer safety ideas from everyone in the fleet, especially from the lower ranks who are the ones actually doing the dirty work most of the time.”

Curious about Navigator Gas’ effective dialogue set-up? Find out more about it here.

Happy Safety Delta anniversary!

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Among Us
Among Us is a monthly digital newsletter, primarily for Safety Delta members, but also for those who want to get a ‘sneak peek’ at the experiences gained by those of us who are already ‘insiders’. It also presents the developments of Safety Delta.
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